Title FAQ Type

Add/Drop is over, how can I add a class?


Can I use a Rutgers University-Newark or Rutgers University-Camden class to meet Core Curriculum learning goals?

Transfer, Requirements

Can I use a transfer course from a school other than Rutgers or AP courses to meet the Core Curriculum learning goals?

Transfer, First Year, Core Curriculum

Can I use Study Abroad classes to meet Core Curriculum learning goals?

Requirements, Core Curriculum

Can I use the same course to meet multiple Core Curriculum learning goals?

Requirements, Core Curriculum

Can you double major across two different RU schools?


Do temporary grades count towards my term GPA?

Grades & GPA

How can I check and see what courses are being offered?

Registration, Academics

How can I find a course offered next semester that meets the Core Curriculum goals I still need to meet?

Requirements, Core Curriculum

How can I schedule an appointment with an academic advisor?


How do I reach my honors advisor?


I already took a course certified for both HST and SCL. DN is showing that it was applied to the HST goal. How can I get it applied to the SCL goal so that I can take another course that is only certified for HST?

Requirements, Core Curriculum

I am not an SAS-NB student, can you help me?


I am trying to register for more than 18 credits and Webreg is not letting me add another course. Can I add more than 18 credits?


I have a question about my term bill can you help me?

Term Bill (Student Accounting)

I need to file an appeal for Financial Aid, can you help me?

Financial Aid

I took a class that is not showing on Degree Navigator as counting towards meeting Core Curriculum learning goals, but it’s similar to a class that does count. Can I substitute this class for one of the certified courses?

Requirements, Core Curriculum

Is it possible to retroactively withdraw from the courses I did not pass?


Last semester, Degree Navigator told me that a requirement was complete, but now it’s showing that I need to complete a course I’m taking this semester. Why isn’t the requirement still showing as complete?

Advising, Requirements, Core Curriculum

My professor (advisor, major department) told me I could use a course to meet a Core Curriculum goal even if it isn't on the list. Is this true?

Requirements, Core Curriculum

The course I want is asking for a special permission number (SPN), do you have one?


Webreg is preventing me from enrolling in a class on a different campus with a start time that is 30 minutes after my current class ends. Can you override the travel conflict?


What is a major or minor advisor?


When can I register?

Registration, Transfer, First Year

Who is my academic advisor?
