Dual Degree undergraduate and graduate programs offered at Rutgers.
Bachelor's Degree/Master of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice Program
The bachelor's degree/master of arts (M.A.) degree in criminal justice program, offered by the School of Arts and Sciences in cooperation with Rutgers School of Criminal Justice in Newark, permits students pursuing majors other than criminal justice to accelerate, completing both the baccalaureate and the M.A. degrees in four and one-half years. More information is available at Rutgers School of Criminal Justice.
Bachelor's Degree/Master's Degree Programs with the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Joint-degree programs, offered in cooperation with the School of Arts and Sciences and the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, permit students pursuing certain majors to accelerate, completing both the baccalaureate and a master of public health or a master of public policy in five years. More information is available at the Bloustein School.
Bachelor's Degree/ Master of Applied Psychology (BA/MAP) with the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
The BA/MAP combined program allows undergraduate students majoring in psychology to take a minimum of 6 graduate credits at GSAPP during their senior year of undergraduate studies. Students interested in pursuing an advanced career in applied psychology or obtaining a doctorate in clinical psychology (Psy.D) in the future can apply to the combined program during their junior year, and can obtain their bachelor’s and master’s degrees in five years total. More information is available at https://gsapp.rutgers.edu/.
Bachelor's Degree/ Master of Public Health (BA/MPH or BS/MPH) Articulated Degree with the School of Public Health
The Rutgers School of Public Health in conjunction with SAS offers highly-qualified undergraduate students the opportunity to begin graduate study during their undergraduate years, thereby accelerating the Master of Public Health degree by requiring approximately 3-5 additional semesters beyond the Bachelors degree. This is not a concurrent degree program. Students earn their Bachelors degree first and then the MPH. The School of Public Health offers Masters level concentrations in Biostatistics, Environmental & Occupational Health, Epidemiology, Global Public Health, Health Education & Behavioral Science, and Health Systems & Policy. More information is available at https://sph.rutgers.edu/academics/ba-ru.html
Bachelor's Degree / Master in Communication and Media (BA/MCM) Dual Degree Pathway
Rutgers SC&I Communication and Journalism & Media Studies majors can apply for the MCM program in their junior or senior year as part of the 5 Year Program (Dual Degree Option) BA/MCM program option. More information is available at https://comminfo.rutgers.edu/graduate-programs/master-health-communication-and-information.
Bachelor's Degree (ITI)/ Master of Information (BA/MI) Dual Degree Pathway
Rutgers SC&I ITI majors who have completed 90 credits may apply to earn an ITI bachelor’s degree and Master of Information (MI) degree in five years of continuous study. More information is available at https://comminfo.rutgers.edu/undergraduate-programs/information-technology-and-informatics-major.
3 + 3 BA/JD Joint Program
The Rutgers Law School and the School of Arts and Sciences have recently entered into an agreement whereby certain highly motivated 3rd year (junior) undergraduate students who are certain that they wish to attend law school may apply in their junior year, and if admitted to the Law School, may enter the law school in their fourth year and complete both degrees in a total of six years. During the entire six years, students will pay tuition at the then prevailing undergraduate tuition rate -- which is a great deal financially for the students. Students may choose to attend on either the Newark or Camden campus.
You can read more about this program at: https://law.rutgers.edu/33-program.
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 4+3 Program
The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 4+3 Program is a seven-year program that combines four (4) years of coursework in a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Exercise Science from Rutgers University - New Brunswick with three (+3) years of graduate school at the Rutgers School of Health Professions Doctor of Physical Therapy Program - Newark Campus. This program provides First Year students who are admitted to either the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) or School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) the opportunity to begin preparing for a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Degree from the moment they start their college education. More information is available at https://rudpt43.rutgers.edu/.
Five-Year, Dual-Degree Program in Engineering and Liberal Arts/Sciences
A five-year dual-degree program is available that leads to a BA or BS from the School of Arts and Sciences and a BS from the School of Engineering. Students must be accepted into both the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering. More information is available at the School of Engineering.
Five-Year, Dual-Degree Program MA/BA in Religion
Qualified undergraduate students at Rutgers can apply to the 4+1 B.A./M.A. program in Religion in their junior year. This program makes it possible to complete the M.A., which is normally a two-year program, in only one year after the B.A. Students considering applying as well as those who are already in the 4+1 program are strongly advised to consult with the Director of Graduate Studies about how to work out the details of their coursework. As a general rule, a course cannot be counted toward both the B.A. and M.A. degrees. This means that students in the 4+1 program must plan their coursework for the B.A. and M.A. separately. During the senior year, students in the 4+1 program will begin taking graduate courses toward the M.A. degree, but they must make sure that they will have satisfied all their undergraduate requirements by the end of the senior year so that they can graduate with the B.A. degree. More information is available at the SAS Department of Religion.
Five-Year Teacher Certification Program
Teacher certification programs in many areas of specialization are offered through the Graduate School of Education to School of Arts and Sciences students. Education students major in a liberal arts subject other than education, since the teacher certification programs do not constitute a major. More information is available at the Graduate School of Education.
Joint Programs (Economics 4 + 1 Masters Program)
The Certificate Programs in economics are a natural path to a number of “4+1” programs within Rutgers University, whereby well-prepared students can receive some credit towards a master’s degree during their senior year, and then complete a master’s degree with one more year of coursework. The Certificate in Economic Theory and the Certificate in Quantitative Economics are particularly well-suited to this purpose, as they include more emphasis on mathematics and statistics as part of the program. More information is available at https://economics.rutgers.edu/academics/undergraduate/certificate-in-economics.
Accelerated (BA/MA) Bachelor's Degree/Master's Degree Program in Political Science- Concentration in the United Nations and Global Policy Studies (UNMA)
The Accelerated (BA/MA) Program in Political Science – Concentration in the United Nations and Global Policy Studies (UNMA) offers high-achieving Rutgers undergraduates on New Brunswick campus a path toward a Master's degree that is cost effective in terms of time and tuition. With adequate planning and preparation, students can complete some MA courses as they complete their BA degree. More information is available at UNMA Program website.
Future Leaders M.B.A. (BA/BS) Accelerated M.B.A. for Undergraduates
The Future Leaders M.B.A. program is designed specifically for undergraduates who are interested in an accelerated master of business administration (M.B.A.) degree program. This joint-degree program in science and business is designed to open up doors to leadership jobs and careers never imagined.
The program is designed specifically for undergraduate science majors such as biology, business, chemistry, environmental science, or physics. During the first three years, student follow the typical undergraduate degree track. In the fourth year, students begin taking courses toward the M.B.A., completing both degrees in as little as five-and-a-half to six years. More information is available at the Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick.
Joint Bachelor of Science / Entry Level-Master of Science Clinical Nutrition Program
The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) and the School of Health Professions (SHP) offer a joint admissions program in Exercise Science (Bachelor of Science, BS, awarded by SAS) followed by a Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Entry Level (EL-MSCN, awarded by SPH), termed the BS / EL-MSCN program. Students admitted to the program will graduate with the BS in Exercise Science from SAS and then be admitted to a 42 credit, 16 month EL-MSCN full-time program administered by SPH. Both degrees should be completed within six years. More details about the program can be found here https://shp.rutgers.edu/nutritional-sciences/entry-level-master-of-science-clinical-nutrition/
Liberal Arts Coordinated B.A. or B.S./M.B.A. in Professional Accounting
The Newark and New Brunswick colleges of arts and sciences and Rutgers Business School: Graduate Programs-Newark and New Brunswick have established a coordinated program leading to the bachelor of arts (B.A.) or bachelor of science (B.S.) degree at the applicant's undergraduate college of arts and sciences and an master of business administration (M.B.A.) degree in professional accounting from Rutgers Business School: Graduate Programs-Newark and New Brunswick.
The program is designed for liberal arts and science students who seek to pursue full-time professional studies in accounting at the graduate level. Students who accrue more than 9 credits in accounting at the undergraduate level, or who earn an undergraduate degree through the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark and New Brunswick may not enroll in this program. Further information and applications may be obtained from the Graduate Admissions Office, Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick, 1 Washington Park, Newark, NJ 07102. More details about the program can be found here: https://www.business.rutgers.edu/dual-degree/accelerated-mba-professional-accounting
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MSSLP)
The Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MSSLP), to be located in Newark on the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences campus, is a 66-credit, entry-level program that will prepare students to prevent, evaluate, diagnose, and treat speech, language communication, and swallowing disorders. This program will be completed over five consecutive semesters (two years); the program plans to admit its first cohort of students in Fall 2021. For more information contact SLP@shp.rutgers.edu. More details about the program can be found here: https://shp.rutgers.edu/rehabilitation-movement-sciences/master-of-science-in-speech-language-pathology/
Rutgers University/University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Articulated Programs
Several articulated bachelor's degree/graduate degree programs are offered jointly by the School of Arts and Sciences and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The purpose of these joint articulated programs is to permit integration of basic medical sciences into advanced natural science courses in preparing students for the clinical portion of their professional education. These programs, for specially selected students, include a seven- or eight-year B.A./M.D. program of study taken at Rutgers University and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, a seven-year B.A./M.D. program of study taken at Rutgers University and New Jersey Medical School, a seven-year B.A./D.M.D. program of study taken at Rutgers University and New Jersey Dental School, and a six-year B.A./M.S. Physician Assistant program offered jointly by Rutgers University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-School of Health Related Professions. For details, contact the Health Professions Office.
School of Management and Labor Relations joint Bachelor's and Master's Five-Year Program
The 5 Year Joint Bachelor's and Master’s Program in Labor Studies offers high-achieving Rutgers SAS undergraduates a path toward an Master’s degree in Labor Studies that is cost effective in terms of time and tuition. The 5 year MLER Program provides students with the right to waive up to three Labor and Employment Relations SAS approved courses, (9 credits),and if a high achieving senior student, up to 2 more MLER graduate credits can be taken and applied toward the MLER Master's degree as long as they are above and beyond their needed undergraduate credits. Please check out eligibility from this link here: https://smlr.rutgers.edu/academic-programs/undergraduate-programs/bachelors-degrees-labor-employment-relations/joint